Making Time: For God & The Things You Love

Holy cow, it’s been a long time since I’ve been on here! I swear, there is never a busier time of the month than fall, with all your classes kicking into gear, clubs/activities starting up, and anything else time consuming you can imagine. Ask any of my friends or family and they’d tell you that I really haven’t had ANY free time, unless you count sleeping or eating. I’ve honestly been so upset about not having the time to sit down and write a blog post with everything that’s going on, but then it hit me- DUH! You have to make time if there isn’t time already! Of course, that sounds like the typical answer you get but can never actually achieve or follow through on, but here me out.

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Black Friday: Deals You Won’t Want to Miss

If you can’t tell from my plethora of fashion related blog posts and how excited I get at when I’ve bought something on sale, I LOVE BARGAINS. So naturally, Black Friday is probably one of my favorite times of the year (and also one of the most dangerous times as well, my wallet takes a huge hit). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those people that goes and waits in a line on Thanksgiving night just to get the thing I want- I wouldn’t want to sacrifice family time for something that small. However, I will so take up any chance I can to go shopping without sacrificing anything major, except for my money of course. (: So to help all you crazy people like me who are obsessed with shopping as well, I’ve created a list of my favorite deals this Black Friday that you definitely won’t want to miss.

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Giving Thanks

This probably has to be my absolute favorite time of the year. People always laugh when I tell them that because they always say, “But Katherine, you can’t even eat the turkey,” (I’m vegetarian for clarification), “that’s the best part!” I simply just laugh, too, because that’s definitely not the best part. For some reason, it seems like as your tummies get bigger, your hearts do too. Haha, or maybe it’s just because it’s Thanksgiving and everyone of all ages and backgrounds is realizing just how thankful they should be. So in spirit of the season, I’ll be sharing some of my major reasons (not in any order) to be thankful, and maybe you can add some of these to your list, too! (:

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Woah, there, what’s happened? It’s been like what, two months almost since I’ve been on here? That’s waaaaaay too long. Seriously, I’m so sorry you guys, life’s been getting crazy and honestly I just haven’t even had time to think about blogging. But I’m going to try and make it a personal goal of mine to at least blog some of my favorite quotes or bible verses when short on time, and try to get some more real stuff out as well. But as for this post, how about a little status update on my life to fill all of y’all in?

Continue reading “Long Time, No… Blog?”

Top 7 Homecoming Trends: 2016

With homecoming right around the corner for some of us (mine’s in a little less than a month, eek!), it’s just about time to find a dress. Wait; sorry, hold on. It’s not time to find just any dress, no, it’s time to find THE dress. However, with the countless department stores, boutiques, and websites out there with (I kid you not) thousands of dresses, where the heck do you even start?!

Continue reading “Top 7 Homecoming Trends: 2016”

Makeup Tutorial: Girls’ Night Out

An unforgettable, amazing night with your girls by your side calls for unforgettable and amazing makeup to match the occasion. I’ve got just the recipe written out for you guys to have the perfect makeup for your girls’ night out, AND it’s not going to cost you a fortune. It can’t get better than that, am I right? Continue reading “Makeup Tutorial: Girls’ Night Out”

Quite the Complementary Look: OOTD!

Whew, it’s been quite the week! I’m very happy to say that I’ve finally finished my first full week of sophomore year AND am not failing any of my classes, haha! It’s been a little hectic trying to get into the swing of things, so it’s been a bit since I’ve written and had the chance to post something on here. But hey, it’s the weekend! So here’s to finding the free time to do the things you love, not stressing (too much), and cute school outfits that give you just the confidence you need to get through the day. (; Continue reading “Quite the Complementary Look: OOTD!”

First Day @ School: OOTD

Well, it’s finally passed! I believe that everyone at my school, thankfully including me, has survived the first day. Yay, time to celebrate! Or cry, or do homework (that’s what I’m taking a break from right now, shh it’s a secret!), whatever floats your boat I guess. While I definitely love school and all the friends that I’ve met because of it, I am the kind of person to stress out about the tiniest of things, making each and every assignment a PAIN. But no worries, more blog posts about school, study habits, and how to deal with stress or being overwhelmed will come later! Before that point though, I do want to fit in some posts about fashion while I still actually feel like dressing cute for school (we all hit that point during the school year when you switch from a dress to sweats, admit it). And what better way to introduce my series of fashion throughout the school year than starting off with my first day of school outfit?

Continue reading “First Day @ School: OOTD”

“If you just focus on the smallest picture, you never get the big picture right.”

~Leroy Hood

This school year, remember to not get hung up on each and every little grade (yes, I struggle with that too and will be working on this as well). Will a B- on a test really affect you in 10 years? Is each grade on the report card going to alter your life drastically?

No, it won’t. So work on the things that will change your life, like taking responsibility, friendships, and kindness; those are the things that will get you farthest in life. So rather than getting hung up on every small detail, this school year I encourage you to look at the big picture, for that’s what will really make the difference.

Out and About: OOTD

A tee shirt, a pair of classic jeans, and sandals: there’s nearly no better go-to outfit than that. With homecoming coming up this fall, my mom and I headed out to check out the dresses, but as usual, we were running late, haha! I quickly slipped on this cute outfit and headed out the door, ready to go.

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