DIY: Decorative Letter

I’m super E-xcited and E-cstatic to finally share this with you (haha, get it?)! I put this little project together for one of my best friends Emily when I was her secret santa! It took maybe all of an hour total to make (not counting drying time), and all the materials were under $10! I know, right? Whether you’re making it for a friend or yourself, trust me; this easy-to-make project is too good to pass up.

There isn’t all too much to explain, but I do have a few tips that I think are worth sharing, so I’ll intersperse those throughout the instructions! (:



  • Wooden letters
  • Acrylic paint
  • Wooden bow (from Michael’s a LONG time ago!)
  • Hot glue gun
  • Paintbrushes, markers, other painting utensils

That’s it, that’s all you need! You can generally get these materials at other stores than Target, but these were all very cheap and accessible for me, and maybe there are for you too!



  1. Paint the letter of your choice with whatever paint you picked up. I chose yellow because that’s Emily favorite color (and it matches her personality, she’s just so fun and bubbly!) Be careful to not get the paint too thick, it will look gloppy in the end result and make the whole process take longer!
  2. Paint on a second coat, or if you’re like me, paint the back and the sides you couldn’t paint from the front! You don’t have to paint the entire letter, but if you do, just be 100% sure that the front is dry! Afterwards, paint on a second coat of paint or until you’re happy with the result.
  3. On to the dots! Now you don’t have to add polka dots; you could add stripes, a decorative pattern, any text, or perhaps nothing! It’s whatever you choose! If you do decide to paint on polka dots, I suggest using the end of an old Crayola marker! The dots aren’t completely smooth with this technique, but I kind of like the extra texture it adds from picking the marker back up from the letter! You can see a close up of the polka dots in the picture below.
  4. While waiting for the letter to dry, I began painting the bow with the some process, front and back with two coats.
  5. Once EVERYTHING is dry, warm up the hot glue gun and place your decorative item wherever you want it on your letter! Make sure to press and hold it there or put a big book on top to ensure that the glue will stick!
  6. Voilà, you’re done! You can always add more or less, depending on your taste, but this should be a basic list of instructions to get you started!


It’s that easy! Feel free to make any modifications to this DIY project if you feel so inclined, too! Whether you make this for a friend as a quick but meaningful gift, or for yourself as home decor, I guarantee this won’t go to waste! Maybe I’ll pick up some more paint and a “K” for myself in the next few weeks? (:



DIY Floral Arrangements: On a Budget?!

Now it’s a no-brainer that practically everything a teen does has to be on a budget. If you can find a decent looking and quality product for cheap, that’s a miracle this day in age. But DIY floral decor for cheap too? Now that’s a double miracle for any woman. Now, lemme show you how. (;

Continue reading “DIY Floral Arrangements: On a Budget?!”