First Day @ School: OOTD

Well, it’s finally passed! I believe that everyone at my school, thankfully including me, has survived the first day. Yay, time to celebrate! Or cry, or do homework (that’s what I’m taking a break from right now, shh it’s a secret!), whatever floats your boat I guess. While I definitely love school and all the friends that I’ve met because of it, I am the kind of person to stress out about the tiniest of things, making each and every assignment a PAIN. But no worries, more blog posts about school, study habits, and how to deal with stress or being overwhelmed will come later! Before that point though, I do want to fit in some posts about fashion while I still actually feel like dressing cute for school (we all hit that point during the school year when you switch from a dress to sweats, admit it). And what better way to introduce my series of fashion throughout the school year than starting off with my first day of school outfit?

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