Making Time: For God & The Things You Love

Holy cow, it’s been a long time since I’ve been on here! I swear, there is never a busier time of the month than fall, with all your classes kicking into gear, clubs/activities starting up, and anything else time consuming you can imagine. Ask any of my friends or family and they’d tell you that I really haven’t had ANY free time, unless you count sleeping or eating. I’ve honestly been so upset about not having the time to sit down and write a blog post with everything that’s going on, but then it hit me- DUH! You have to make time if there isn’t time already! Of course, that sounds like the typical answer you get but can never actually achieve or follow through on, but here me out.

Continue reading “Making Time: For God & The Things You Love”

“If you just focus on the smallest picture, you never get the big picture right.”

~Leroy Hood

This school year, remember to not get hung up on each and every little grade (yes, I struggle with that too and will be working on this as well). Will a B- on a test really affect you in 10 years? Is each grade on the report card going to alter your life drastically?

No, it won’t. So work on the things that will change your life, like taking responsibility, friendships, and kindness; those are the things that will get you farthest in life. So rather than getting hung up on every small detail, this school year I encourage you to look at the big picture, for that’s what will really make the difference.

Advice to an Incoming Freshman

When I was an incoming freshman just last year I remember wishing that I had some sort of guidebook to high school. Something that told me exactly what to do would be perfect, but it didn’t quite exist. Some websites would say “become friends with good people”, or, “work hard”, and the ever-so-repeated phrase, “DON’T procrastinate”. Of course, all of these things are great pieces of advice, but none of them tell you HOW to accomplish those things. Now, I may not be any better, but I figured that I’m going to give this whole “freshman advice” thing a try.

Continue reading “Advice to an Incoming Freshman”